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Showing 1 - 15 of 85 Results for "Industrial"
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Analiza statistico-economica in industrie

Vasilescu, Gh. 3 of 3 587 Sala de lectura 1

Cases in strategic management

Strickland, A. J. 1 of 1 3065 Sala de lectura 1

Tehnici de comert international

pentru pregatirea importatorului si a exportatorului
Stoian, Ion (coord.) 6 of 6 146 Sala de lectura 1

States versus markets :

history, geography, and the development of the international political economy
Schwartz, Herman M., 1 of 1 2965 Sala de lectura 1

Marcile si indicatiile geografice

Dreptul proprietatii intelectuale. Dreptul proprietatii industriale.
Ros, Viorel 2 of 2 2501 Sala de lectura 1

Modern firm :, The

organizational design for performance and growth
Roberts, John 1 of 1 7034 Sala de lectura 1

Industrial Relations

Ratnam, Venkata C.S. 1 of 1 4590 Sala de lectura 1

Tehnologie industriala

Industrii extractive. Energetica industriala. Industrii cu profil chimic.
Pumnea, Constantin (coord.) 3 of 3 122 Sala de lectura 1

Tehnologie industriala

Tehnologii din industriile metalurgice si ale constructiilor de masini
Pumnea, Constantin (coord.) 3 of 3 122 Sala de lectura 1

Valorificarea creativitatii in afacerile economice internationale

Puiu, Ovidiu 3 of 3 597 Sala de lectura 1

Politici comune ale Uniunii Europene

Prisacaru, Gheorghi (coord.) 6 of 6 7530 Sala de lectura 1

Bazele tehnologiei

Ponoran, Ileana 3 of 3 424 Sala de lectura 1

Merceologie industriala

Petrescu, V. 3 of 3 158 Sala de lectura 1

In search of excellence :

lessons from America's best-run companies
Peters, Thomas J. 1 of 1 3022 Sala de lectura 1

Marketing in economia de piata

- elemente de marketing industrial -
Patriche, Dumitru 3 of 3 105 Sala de lectura 1

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Showing 1 - 15 of 85 Results for "Industrial"
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