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Showing 61 - 75 of 85 Results for "Industrial"
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Organizational Behaviour and Management

Martin, John 1 of 1 4986 Sala de lectura 1

Organizational design:

a step-by-step approach
Burton, Richard M. 1 of 1 7035 Sala de lectura 1

Politici comune ale Uniunii Europene

Prisacaru, Gheorghi (coord.) 6 of 6 7530 Sala de lectura 1

Politici economice

Angelescu, Coralia 1 of 1 6780 Sala de lectura 1

Programe de marketing

Patriche, Dumitru 3 of 3 109 Sala de lectura 1

Proprietatea industriala

Bacanu, Ion 2 of 2 1135 Sala de lectura 1

Proprietatea industriala

Bacanu, Ion 2 of 2 1135 Sala de lectura 1

Quantitative analysis in operations management

Brandon-Jones, Alistair 1 of 1 7039 Sala de lectura 1

Reengineering management :

the mandate for new leadership
Champy, James, 1 of 1 3079 Sala de lectura 1

Science of success The

How market-based management built the world's largest private company
Koch, Charles G. 1 of 1 3956 Sala de lectura 1

States versus markets :

history, geography, and the development of the international political economy
Schwartz, Herman M., 1 of 1 2965 Sala de lectura 1

Strategic management :

a dynamic perspective : concepts and cases /
Carpenter, Mason Andrew, 1 of 1 3942 Sala de lectura 1

Strategic Market Relationships

From Strategy to Implementation
Donaldson, Bill 1 of 1 3843 Enter Library Name Here

Strategii economice ale intreprinderii industriale

Managementul productiei industriale - Partea a 2-a
Badea, Florica 4 of 4 641 Sala de lectura 1

Strategii si structuri industriale competitive

Dan, Vasile, coord. 3 of 3 523 Sala de lectura 1

Subject Search

Showing 61 - 75 of 85 Results for "Industrial"
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