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Showing 31 - 45 of 85 Results for "Industrial"
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Industrial marketing

Ghosh, P.K. 1 of 1 4603 Sala de lectura 1

Industrial Relations

Ratnam, Venkata C.S. 1 of 1 4590 Sala de lectura 1

Informatica industriala

-Noi paradigme si aplicatii-
Filip, Florin Gheorghe 3 of 3 1004 Sala de lectura 1

Ingineria valorii

Ionita, Ion 5 of 5 1444 Sala de lectura 1

International management

Managing across borders and cultures : text and cases
Deresky, Helen 2 of 2 9733 Sala de lectura 1

IT manager's handbook :

getting your new job done
Holtsnider, Bill 1 of 1 3889 Sala de lectura 1

Legal, ethical, and regulatory environment of business /, The

Fisher, Bruce D. 1 of 1 3063 Sala de lectura 1

Management of international acquisitions /, The

Child, John 1 of 1 7337 Sala de lectura 1

Managementul operational al productiei

-in unitatile industriale-
Moldoveanu, George 3 of 3 622 Sala de lectura 1

Managementul productiei

Ionescu, Sorin 3 of 3 1489 Sala de lectura 1

Managementul productiei industriale

Strategia economica a intreprinderii si planul ca instrument de concretizare si
Barbulescu, Constantin 1 of 1 324 Sala de lectura 1

Managementul productiei industriale

Organizarea si conducerea activitatii unitatilor structurii de productie si conc
Barbulescu, Constantin 6 of 6 324 Sala de lectura 1

Managementul productiei industriale

Partea I
Badea, Florica 3 of 3 641 Sala de lectura 1

Managementul productiei industriale

Dima, Ioan Constantin 3 of 3 1084 Sala de lectura 1

Managementul productiei industriale

Studii de caz si aplicatii practice complexe
Badea, Florica 3 of 3 1151 Sala de lectura 1

Subject Search

Showing 31 - 45 of 85 Results for "Industrial"
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