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Cartea de povesti a unui economist

Eseuri despre consecintele noilor ipoteze in teoria economica
Akerlof, George A. 3 of 3 6896 Sala de lectura 1

International Marketing and Export Management

Albaum, Gerald 1 of 1 6850 Sala de lectura 1

Cooperarea economica internationala

Tehnici, virtuti, oportunitati
Albu, Alexandru D., coord. 3 of 3 162 Sala de lectura 1

Tranzitia economiei sau tranzitia stiintei economice?

Albu, Lucian-Liviu 3 of 3 736 Sala de lectura 1

Geografie economica mondiala

Note de curs
Alexandru, Dumitru 3 of 3 244 Sala de lectura 1

Structura institutionala, expansiune sistemica si performanta economica

Aligica, Dragos Paul 5 of 5 1777 Sala de lectura 1

Gestiunea investitiilor publice

Alpopei, Cristina 1 of 1 9114 Sala de lectura 1

Outrageous fortunes :

the twelve surprising trends that will reshape the global economy
Altman, Daniel 1 of 1 9306 Sala de lectura 1

Statistics for business and economics

Anderson, David R. 1 of 1 7857 Sala de lectura 1

Tranzitie si reforma

Andreff, W. 3 of 3 1703 Sala de lectura 1

Manual de tehnici operationale in activitatea de turism

Andrei, Ruxandra 3 of 3 4876 Sala de lectura 1

Economia politica

Angelescu, Coralia 1 of 1 719 Sala de lectura 1

Politici economice

Angelescu, Coralia 1 of 1 6780 Sala de lectura 1

Timpul liber

Conditionari si implicatii economice
Angelescu, Coralia 2 of 2 398 Sala de lectura 1

Romania 1999

Starea economica
Anghelache, Constantin 1 of 1 1246 Sala de lectura 1

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Showing 61 - 75 of 588 Results for "Economic"
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