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Título The Economics of Climate Change :
Stern Review on the Economics of Climate Change
Marea Britanie. Ministerul de Finante
# de Llamada Local 3870
ISBN 9780521700801 (pbk.)
0521700809 (pbk.)
Posición Este articulo está disponible en la biblioteca.
Nivel Universitar
Paginas xix, 692 p. :
Publicar Información New York : Cambridge University Press, 2007.
Tipo Número/Días REG-Regular / Este item puede circular para 4 Días
Departamento S-Student
Medio PBK-Paperback
Sujetos protectia mediului
Environmental policy--Great Britain.
Climatic changes--Economic aspects.
Climatic changes--Government policy--Great Britain.
modificari climatice
economia mediului inconjurator
schimbari de mediu
Descripción Stern, Nicholas (coordonator)
ill. (partial color), harti color ;
25 cm.
Cuprinde: Climate change-- our approach: The science of climate change : scale of the environment challenge ; Economics, ethics and climate change ; Ethical frameworks and intertemporal equity -- Impacts of climate change on growth and development: How climate change will affect people around the world ; Implications of climate change for development ; Costs of climate change in developed countries ; Economic modelling of climate-change impacts -- The economics of stabilisation: Projecting the growth of greenhouse-gas emissions ; Climate change and the Kuznets curve ; The challenge of stabilisation ; Identifying the costs of mitigation ; Macroeconomic models of costs ; Structural change and competitiveness ; Key statistics for 123 UK production sectors ; Opportunities and wider benefits from climate policies ; Towards a goal for climate-change policy -- Policy responses for mitigation: Harnessing markets for mitigation : the role of taxation and trading ; Carbon pricing and emission markets in practice ; Accelerating technological innovation ; Beyond carbon markets and technology -- Policy responses for adaptation: Understanding the economics of adaptation ; Adaptation in the developed world ; Adaptation in the developing world -- International collective action: Framework for understanding international collective action for climate change -- Creating a global price for carbon -- Supporting the transition to a low-carbon global economy -- Promoting effective international technology co-operation -- Reversing emissions from land use change -- International support for adaptation -- Conclusions : building and sustaining international co-operation on climate change.
Climate change-- our approach: The science of climate change : scale of the environment challenge ; Economics, ethics and climate change ; Ethical frameworks and intertemporal equity -- Impacts of climate change on growth and development: How climate change will affect people around the world ; Implications of climate change for development ; Costs of climate change in developed countries ; Economic modelling of climate-change impacts -- The economics of stabilisation: Projecting the growth of greenhouse-gas emissions ; Climate change and the Kuznets curve ; The challenge of stabilisation ; Identifying the costs of mitigation ; Macroeconomic models of costs ; Structural change and competitiveness ; Key statistics for 123 UK production sectors ; Opportunities and wider benefits from climate policies ; Towards a goal for climate-change policy -- Policy responses for mitigation: Harnessing markets for mitigation : the role of taxation and trading ; Carbon pricing and emission markets in practice ; Accelerating technological innovation ; Beyond carbon markets and technology -- Policy responses for adaptation: Understanding the economics of adaptation ; Adaptation in the developed world ; Adaptation in the developing world -- International collective action: Framework for understanding international collective action for climate change -- Creating a global price for carbon -- Supporting the transition to a low-carbon global economy -- Promoting effective international technology co-operation -- Reversing emissions from land use change -- International support for adaptation -- Conclusions : building and sustaining international co-operation on climate change.

Library of Congress