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Title & SubTitle


On Shelf

Call Number


Memorator statistic

Novak, Andrei 5 of 5 1322 Sala de lectura 1

171 probleme de statistica teoretica si economica

Korka, Mihai 3 of 3 1571 Sala de lectura 1

Bazele statisticii

Titan, Emilia 2 of 2 1767 Sala de lectura 1


-teorie, aplicatii, exercitii-
Novak, Andrei 5 of 5 1849 Sala de lectura 1

Ghid statistic de buzunar

Novak, Andrei 5 of 5 1850 Sala de lectura 1


Culegere de probleme
Badita, Maria 3 of 3 189 Sala de lectura 1

Manual de statistica

Badita, Maria 3 of 3 190 Sala de lectura 1

Dictionar statistico-economic explicativ

Badita, Maria 1 of 1 1917 Sala de lectura 1


Teorie si aplicatii
Andrei, Tudorel 3 of 3 196 Sala de lectura 1

Statistica si teoria sondajului

Porojan, Dumitru 3 of 3 199 Sala de lectura 1

Statistica teoretica si economica

Isaic-Maniu, Alexandru 3 of 3 200 Sala de lectura 1

Bazele statisticii pentru economisti

Korka, Mihai 2 of 2 2001 Sala de lectura 1

Sinteze statistice

Novak, Andrei 10 of 10 2318 Sala de lectura 1

Statistica si tehnica sondajului

Novak, Andrei 10 of 10 2319 Sala de lectura 1

Memorator statistic

cu aplicatii
Novak, Andrei 6 of 6 2476 Sala de lectura 1

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