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Metode si tehnici utilizate in cercetarile de marketing

Catoiu, Iacob 3 of 3 1001 Sala de lectura 1

Aplicatii in marketing

Anghel, L. 3 of 3 1002 Sala de lectura 1

Cercetarea de marketing asistata de calculator

Somnea, Dan 3 of 3 1003 Sala de lectura 1


-Teorie si practica-
  4 of 4 102 Sala de lectura 1

Introducere in management si marketing

Note de curs
Ursachi, Ioan 3 of 3 104 Sala de lectura 1

Marketing in economia de piata

- elemente de marketing industrial -
Patriche, Dumitru 3 of 3 105 Sala de lectura 1

Marketing turistic

Gherasim, Toader 3 of 3 1055 Sala de lectura 1


Probleme. Cazuri. Teste.
  3 of 3 106 Sala de lectura 1

Marketing industrial

Patriche, Dumitru 3 of 3 107 Sala de lectura 1

Marketingul serviciilor

Olteanu, Valerica 3 of 3 108 Sala de lectura 1

Programe de marketing

Patriche, Dumitru 3 of 3 109 Sala de lectura 1


Florescu, C., coord. 3 of 3 110 Sala de lectura 1


Demetrescu, M.C. 3 of 3 111 Sala de lectura 1

Ciber - Marketing

Rohner, Kurt 2 of 2 1147 Sala de lectura 1

Tehnici promotionale

Probleme. Analize. Studii de caz
Balaure, Virgil 3 of 3 1150 Sala de lectura 1

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